That evening back at the hotel, Gracie befriended this little girl, Alex, from Shreveport, LA. They were waiting in line for smores...
Double-fistin' five year old...bringing one for her Mom and Dad to share, too...we have a sweet girl alright...even though she did give us the one with the burnt marshmallow ;)!
cooling off in the pool after our dinner - yep, smores!
The next day was Fiesta Texas and I have to develop the water camera from that trip yet...that will be Part II!
fallow deer
a BIG longhorn
we met him up close and personal
I think he would have come home with us if we would have left a trail of food -
auodad sheep
he let us feed him, too
a buffalo and wildebeast
black buck antelope
another wildebeast - these could never win a beauty pageant - my goodness....
oryx - I think he's so pretty...
he reminds me of an Indian in war paint
hardebeast antelope
eland antelope
They gave us special caution about the zebras, as they are very aggressive, but we didn't have to worry about that - they wanted nothing to do with us! They stayed in the brush -
the white rhinos - wouldn't want to meet these guys in a dark alley -
bactrial camels - they have 2 humps
ostriches - I like all of their plummage - I remember being at the Montgomery, Alabama zoo one time. I had red polish on my toes and one of these almost ate my toes that day - he went "pa-yow" just that quick - it hurt!
addax antelope
he let us feed him - I thought he was very pretty, too.
a big, pregnant mini donkey...oh, she must be miserable...sooooooo hooooooottttt!
Daddy making friends with a big ol' ostrich - I'm glad he was on Daddy's side!
Llamas...and I thought my heiney was big!
Emus - Gracie especially loved the white one.
Gracie in their petting zoo...with a baby goat
...and a pot-bellied pig...
Daddy must have spilled some lunch on his jeans???
a lemur taking a siesta
After a brief stop at Tommy Bahama in the San Marcos outlet malls, we headed home, as we knew it would be around 10 when we got home...I could have stayed another week going from one tiny Texas town to another exploring, but with all of the fun we had, Marmie was waiting at home for us, eager to celebrate her daughter's 39th birthday - yikes - on Saturday.
On the way home on Thursday, Jack and Grace began their day with one final swim in the myriad of pools and she made friends with several other little girls - she's going to be just like her Daddy - she can talk to anybody about anything. I'm glad she has this trait - Mommy stayed in the room and got things packed up and organized and we headed out around noon -
We took Gracie to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Park outside of San Marcos and besides getting a little upset that she couldn't touch all of them, she really enjoyed it. Even though we were supposed to throw the food on the ground, we broke the rules a few you'll see below...
Thankfully, Jack knew what these animals were - or at least offered good guesses for me to post...first up, a nilgi antelope...
If you had to take a poddy break out here, you'd be in a world of trouble! With a five year old, these are the things I think about....
The boys that have starred on this blog more than once, helped us with our yard work and any other chores Jack deems he can't handle by himself, and are the (willing) entertainers for our daughter when they drop by, Bobby & Kevin, even made me this cake from scratch! Two brothers in their late high school years making a cake from scratch - I'd say you don't find guys like these very often!