Believe in the sun, even when it's not shining

In love, even when you're alone

In God, even when He is silent.

Monday, July 13, 2009


We have fence! It's all the way around the house now which means - 1. we can begin bringing more of our horses over to the house now and 2. Lexie can longer feast on my plants and use my porches as her ladies room. I cannot tell you how thrilled my husband is with the latter - and actually I'm a little excited, too, about being able to put real plans in action for a landscaped backyard. It will make our pool outings even nicer!
Not to say that I don't miss these big eyelashes staring through my bedrrom french doors...

That little girl - she's growing up - she's 10 months old and can be quite frisky...
here she comes get ME!
Anyway, I know she'll be fine - her sister will take care of her...

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