Believe in the sun, even when it's not shining

In love, even when you're alone

In God, even when He is silent.

Monday, April 19, 2010

In The Blue...Woo Hoo!

It was supposed to rain Wednesday through rain. When did it rain? Sunday...for our first horse show! Everyone in the Lead-Line division got a First Place ribbon. Gracie got two for the events walking and trotting.

We were there early to watch three other older girls that our trainer trains.

She was just a wee bit excited - poor Pal was soaked from head to hoof and was not a happy camper, but the girl riding him...I doubt she noticed the rain at all.

Proud, proud, proud!

Smooches for the winner!

Taking off the gear...

This little boy stables his horse where the show was held - he was in Gracie's division and, as always, she makes fast friends.

Walking Pal back to the trailer - a day's work done and ready for some hay!

Our first show under our belt - even in the rain, it was fun!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Gracie... GREAT job... Wow she looks like a real horse chick in that outfit... Cute, cute...


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