Believe in the sun, even when it's not shining

In love, even when you're alone

In God, even when He is silent.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Party Time!

Gracie had her 6th birthday party at The Painted Potter today. Before everyone arrived, she put her handprint in the middle of the plate that they will decorate for her as her gift. Our party room...Gracie chose a Fancy Nancy themed event and it was a lot of fun!
All of the kids got to choose a plate, mug or bowl to paint. Once they fire them and package them up, I'll get to deliver them and they'll be fully functional...they can eat/drink from them.
Deep in the design process :)
This is Sergio with his little girl, Mari and wife, LeAnne...he was Jack's groomsman when we were married. They have been friends since high school.
Still perfecting the art...
Moellers works their magic again -

The giftwrap was flying...
...and she had lots of help, too!
She found the leftover party favors when we got home!
We brought Dan's daughter, Gracie #2, home with us and, yes, this is the wiggle racer Popi got her three Christmases ago! You surely can't say this child doesn't appreciate her gifts!
Later, they were playing outside (please try to ignore my futile attempt at a rose's a work in progress!) and what did they find?
a turtle...
Mr. Meany McAngry was his name.
Gracie #2 is a brave soul!
After Mr. Environmental's lecture on turtles, they returned him to the very large ditch/canal at the back of our property, where hopefully he will lead a happy life forever...and not come bite my toe while I'm watering my roses!
Happy, happy, joy, joy! Can't believe Squeezy is gonna be 6 on Thursday! WOW!

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