Believe in the sun, even when it's not shining

In love, even when you're alone

In God, even when He is silent.

Monday, February 28, 2011

tap...tap...anybody still there?

I has been a month since my last post! My friend, Becky, reminds me all the time! What can I say? The wonky weather, Gracie's school stuff, the freezes that turned everything brown...not good ingredients for making a girl feel bloggy! :/


Doing ditches...with NO lunge line...Gracie and Frost are in control!

With the warmer weather, everything is beginning to get greener. The weeds seem to be growing faster than the grass at my house, but at least they're green! Now, I just have to take the time to cut down all the brown stuff in my yard so that the new stuff can come in! That's what I'm hoping anyway since all of the plant nurseries are back to full price :(

This is a busy week...we have tickets to the rodeo tomorrow and Wednesday evenings, Gracie's school fundraiser auction Friday evening and a visit to Orange on Saturday for my Daddy's 70th birthday! :) Look we come!!!

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