Believe in the sun, even when it's not shining

In love, even when you're alone

In God, even when He is silent.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brother! (for yesterday)

I know, I know! I'm a day late and a dollar short! I did text you though and Mom had your present from me, so I hope you don't think I'm too bad of a sister! Yesterday, Jean came home from MD Anderson and we were with her from the time we dropped Grace off at preschool until about 6 PM. You know how it is sitting around a hospital - it just wears you out. When we finally got home, I still had to make dinner and feed all of the zoo around here and, well, there just weren't enough minutes before I collapsed in bed.

I remember this like it was yesterday. This was at our house on Greeves in Beaumont.

This is fuzzy, but it's you, me and Grandma Keegan.
I have no idea why the next few are sideways, but this is just after your hair would actually lay down and so Mom thought you would look cute in a bowl cut.

I know you can't see this, but your shirt says "Muscles", so you were showing yours off!

Remember Aunt Francie's camel? Oh, how you loved to ride this camel!
One Christmas, with Mary Ellen's puppy.
One in a series of "Suzie's bad hair days"...

uh huh, I told you...
Remember Mira Kastenholz? The German exchange student my Sr. year?
and looks like you could ski off my hair! I think I still have this sweater - I'm afraid even Goodwill might reject it!
you and me at some beach on one of our family vacays.
In Colorado - probably the same vacay.

with Mimi and PaPa...was this your Confirmation maybe?
Smell good!
...and that was a good thing, cuz you were always kinda stinky after the games!

Your first truck...
On one of my Baylor MD/PhD Program travels, you joined me in NYC. We went to Central Park and this is when we got that guy to do the pencil drawing of us that Mom has hanging in the living room.

Your 21st birthday (I think I counted right!) - your fav - red velvet!

On the trip to Rocky Mountain National Park with PaPa - my hat is cuter! I was wearing his fishing hat - another great fashion statement!
On Lake Tahoe, the day before your wedding.
Me helping you get dressed for your wedding...
...and as they say...the rest is history...

I hope you had a great birthday - love you!

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